Organic Skin Care and eating organic foods are NOT the same

Plenty of research has proven the advantages of organic produce and food compared to their toxic counterparts that has been covered with toxic pesticides or processed with questionable checmicals.  For example:

  • Organic produce contains fewer pesticides
  • Organic food is often fresher
  • Organic farming is better for the environment
  • Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts
  • Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients.
  • Organic food is GMO-free

But when it comes to organic skincare there are some things you need to be mindful of. Thanks to allergies even natural skincare ingredients can cause allergic reactions that are unexpected.

Even organic ingredients can set off allergic contact dermatitis, with common symptoms including rash and occasionally blisters. Leading dermatologists who specialize in the condition say they are seeing more people with issues tied to ingredients such as lavender, peppermint and jasmine. More common allergic reactions occur from “natural” plants like poison ivy, poison oak, & posion Sumac.  Urushiol, the oil excreted by these plants causes allergic reactions to 90% of adults exposed to it.  This is one reason you will NEVER see this ingredient in a skincare line.

Botanical ingredients are harmless for the average person. But researchers have compiled a list of over 75  plant-based oils that can trigger allergic reactions. Among the most common are tea tree oil also known as ylang-ylang oil, from a flower found in rain forests in the Philippines and Indonesia.

All of the oils can be purchased independently but are commonly mixed into lotions, soaps, cosmetics and shampoos. When it comes to a new organic skincare, make sure to test it on a small area before using it everywhere. Once you know there are no reactions then move forward on using is fully as directed.