What they don’t tell you about losing weight?

TV commercials, radio advertisements and other forms of advertising are full of claims that their product is made to give you the body that you dream of.  They claim losing many pounds within unbelievably short time period while allowing you to enjoy food that you love.  If all these quick weight loss works, everyone will be using it.  But what they don’t tell you may surprise you.

You need to cut down about 500 calories a day to lose one pound of weight with a week.  It is a tall order for anyone achieve.  That’s why many programs fail as soon as you start.  But it can be achieved by splitting it in a manageable way.  Let’s try to cut 250 calories through food and lose another 250 calories by exercising.  This you can do without skipping meals and starving your body.  Once you start to skip meals, your metabolism adjusts itself to find calories some other ways, disrupting your weight loss goal.  By splitting and still continuing to eat normally, you can achieve your goal.  While you are splitting your goal to lose weight with foods and exercises, stay focus on your goal, chose healthy food, do cardiovascular exercises and resistant training.