Working remedies for stress brought on by holidays

Article submitted by Weight Gone Now.

One area that East and West cultures clash is what we do during holidays. East cultures especially Chinese culture identify the winter as the time to rest and reflect. In Western cultures it is quite the opposite. Winter holidays bring too much stress and anxiety to many of us who live in the West. Our emotions are too high during the holiday season not only created by stress but also based on the joy it brings. All these create tremendous effect on our health. So holidays brings heightened stress, higher emotional anticipations, anger and agitations. This cause biochemical reaction in the body releasing more cortisol and hormonal adrenaline that leads to weakening immune system and lessoning the body’s ability to cope with stress and others.

Are there any remedies for holiday blues? Some seek release through acupuncture. Others try to do more work outs to relax and to pre-occupy themselves. Many seek help from supplements and or prescription drugs to cope with stress and anxiety. Yoga and meditation have also been practiced by many. Some try to get gift shopping done early. Whatever way that works for you, you need to consult a medical expert before embarking on a medical remedy for holiday blues.