Health Benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts and health are not necessarily associated together since peanuts are found in bars and pubs and are commonly consumed by people who drink alcohol regularly. However, there are several benefits that can be derived from eating peanuts in controlled amounts.

So here is a list of benefits from eating peanuts:

Benefit #1: Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

The risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced due to the fact that peanuts contain a substantial amount of monounsaturated fats which are responsible for lowering LDL cholesterol levels that prevent the most common heart conditions from taking place.

Benefit #2: Strong bones and teeth

Since peanuts are also loaded with calcium and vitamin D, this is also good for the teeth and the bones.  Since studies have shown that if you consume more calcium and vitamin D before the age of 30, you will reduce your chances of suffering from osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Benefit #3: Better gastrointestinal health

Peanuts also contain a lot of fiber and water.  In saying so, peanuts will not only benefit you in your bones and teeth but will also strengthen the good bacteria in your stomach in order to break the foods down more easily than usual. What is more is that you can also avoid colorectal cancer as well as prevent the formation of gallstones in your body as you consume peanuts in healthy quantities.

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