Health Benefits of Peanuts

While the picture associated with eating peanuts is not necessarily a healthy one, nothing can be further from the truth. What one should watch out for though, is eating this nutritious nut in controlled amounts.

And what makes this even better is the fact that peanuts are delicious in whatever form, whether salted, roasted or spicy and can literally be found anywhere.

Apart from the ease of obtaining these nuts, here is a list of benefits that they can obtain when eating peanuts regularly:

Benefit #1: Presence of antioxidants

As anyone knows, if one eats foods that are filled with antioxidants, this neutralizes the free radicals that are present in the body, thus improving one’s overall health.

Benefit #2: Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

As an abundant source of monounsaturated fats, this has a direct effect on reducing LDL cholesterol and thus ensures that the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced significantly.

Benefit #3: Improves gastrointestinal health

The impact that eating peanuts has on gastrointestinal health can be numerous, and not only does the water and fiber in peanuts strengthen the good bacteria that we need to break down the foods that we eat on a regular basis but ensures that it keeps us fit too.

Benefit #4: Strengthens one’s bones and teeth

Since peanuts contain a large amount of calcium and Vitamin D, this has direct positive implications for both the bones and teeth. Studies have also shown that if one maintains these levels of calcium and Vitamin D, then their chances of obtaining osteopenia and osteoporosis are reduced drastically.

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