Weight Lifters: What You Should Eat Before You Sleep

Article Submitted by Weight loss & Skincare Products

For those who work out, a pre-bedtime snack is almost a necessity. They want to fuel their bodies so overnight muscle growth has all the nutrients it needs. What they don’t realize is how disruptive this can be for their sleep. Sleep can be very sensitive to outside influences, and as such what you eat before can have a large impact on the quality of your sleep.

The quality of sleep will also determine recovery from exercise and muscle growth. If you don’t get enough rest, your CNS will take longer to recover and you risk reduced muscle gain and a higher risk of illness. Even once your central nervous system recovers, your body then needs adequate rest to start the muscle building process. If you are suffering from a lack of restive sleep or rest, this could be one reason why. Here are some suggestions that can help minimize any impact you might have on your sleep.

First of all try and minimize the calories you consume prior to bed. While weight lifters in general try to have as many small meals as possible, restrict your pre-bedtime snack to less than 200 calories.

In addition, try to combine different types of foods.  Here are some combinations that would definitely work, and also taste great:

  • Apple and Almond Butter
  • Sliced Banana and Low Fat Peanut Butter
  • Bowl of Oatmeal and Half a Banana
  • Half a Banana, Half a cup of Blueberries and some Yoghurt
  • Sliced carrots and Half a Banana

If muscle growth is what you are after, nothing is more important than getting a good eight hours of sleep. Switch to these food combinations and give your body the rest it needs.

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